7:57 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

*via email*

I am THAT friend everyone comes to with their problems and I know its wrong, but I find myself comparing theirs to mine. When people whine about relationships, work drama, my money ain't right, I just want to scream, "B!tch! Get some REAL problems! I beat cancer twice! Lost my job, my car was stolen and I might be in remission!!! You ain't got no problems?!" I have gone through a lot and i think thats why people come to me for help.

How do I help my friends and stop comparing our pain?

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  1. Kylie said...

    I think people will always think their situation is bad, until something worse comes along. I have to remind myself on a daily basis "its not that bad" . I to lost my job as a single mother of 2, my family is nowhere to be found. The list could go on and on but i wont even go there. Its nice to feel like the supportive one in a friendship like your helping others but as long as its in return and its not a comparison. Its just being supportive of your friends, and there is also nothing wrong with bringing attention to yourfriends and reminding them when their problems come up that "hey, you dont have cancer, your parent has passed away, your surounded by people who love you"ect. sometimes i need to be put in my place by my friends to relize actually how lucky i really am, and im so grateful for them reminding me.