The phrase “…but I love me more" is the very core foundation of my life. It means I make a choice to love myself, as I am, before anything else. Women nurture by nature, and at times we can end up at the bottom on life’s “to do” list jammed between work and cleaning the oven. For me, daily demands aren’t as overwhelming when I make time to “love me more” and face it with a clear mind and spirit. Instead of snapping on everyone when my boss is handing out migraines for breakfast, I can take a second, gather and choose a better way to handle it.
Putting myself first was not an overnight revelation. In my early twenties, the condition of my life was so low and I lived in a fog of depression. I’m talking the kind of pain that pinned me in bed on a gorgeous day and had me in tears at the sight of my pathetic face. I constantly placed validation from others ahead of my own satisfaction. On a good day I felt like crap and amplified my self-criticism by comparing myself to others, making excuses as to why I wasn’t living to my own potential. “If I just had ____ I’d be happy!”
It took years and a lot of courage to admit that I deserved and/or should love me more then all of that stuff. When I eventually put the haters on mute and did me, I grew confident with my own company and others took notice, encouraging me more.
Being alone allowed me the time to explore my interests; I discovered things I didn’t even know I liked! Best of all, I found a spiritual practice that deepened my life and pushed me further. Instead of being jealous of successful women, I recognized my own value and opened my life to lasting friendships and we could all grow stronger as a team.
By extracting the "message from the mess" I guide readers along a path to loving themselves more through acceptance, accountability and action. Acceptance for what you are and are not, accountability for your role in the madness and lastly, concrete action in order to see results. It is not my intention to tell you how to be happy, I simply want to remind you that it’s possible and you deserve it.
Now love you more.
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