*via email*
I'm scared to death. I'm 20 and pregnant and totally alone. My parents died when I was 14, and both of their families live in the Middle East - where they are from. My mom's best friend was my guardian, but now that I'm of age and pregnant, she said I'm on my own and won't return my calls. The guy, well, he plays basketball in Europe. We dated a whole summer and when it ended, so did we. I have no number for him and its been 3 months since we spoke. I have a little studio apartment, in school and I work part time. I'm having this baby, but where do I even start?
*woah! again, these are REAL emails I get every week! please help this sister out!*
Have a similar story? Comments? Let us know below!
October 20, 2010 at 11:04 AM
Hey just read your comment. First I'm not sure where you live, but look into programs. Also there is a website I ussed to go to called Meetup.com. Theres mothers groups on there and I was on there when I was 23 pregnant with my son and NO FAMILY ! The women on there can be amazing.I met a women who sent me 2 huge boxes of clothes (for free, she lived in the US and I'm in Canada and mailed them to me).
Also what about friends? Do they seem supportive or have they separated themselves from you?