9:23 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

Almost every female beyond puberty has issues with her body. There are grown women with children who still refer to their reproductive organs as 'down there' - a clear case of that discomfort. In the media, "body trends" seem to change every few years, as if our appendages are the latest handbag. A toned pilates body one year, a ba-donk-a-donk the next, bee-stung lips or Snufalupagus eyelashes. I'm personally waiting for the soft tummy trend to break.

Pop culture plays it's part, but the woman in the mirror must take some accountability for her own negative self talk. A new poll by Glamour magazine found that 97 PERCENT of women experience "I hate my body" thoughts daily. *hand slowly raises*

The point is, that if our partner talked to us with such disrespect, earrings would be off and slaps would be laid out. Yet we make it OK to take this abuse from ourselves. We can do better then this ladies.

Cindi Levie (Glamour magazine's editor in chief) and Ann Kearny-Cooke, Ph.D speak to Meridith Vieria about the troubling stats that show we all have an inner critic. This statement about the continued negative dialogue was all I needed to hear.

"Neurons that fire together, wire together, meaning, you create strong neuro-pathways in your brain which make it easier for you to talk negatively about yourself."

Now if that doesn't give you an AH-HA...

Watch the video and next time you pick up the bat to start beating yourself up, follow these points. I hope it helps.

Is this really about my body?
(write down when you have a negative thought, what situation you are in and is that negative distracting you from something else?)

(endorphins released when you get physical, make you feel better!)

(think of a STOP sign and re-focus.)

Remind yourself that obsessing doesn't yield results
(negative talk doesn't help you if you're fat or thin.)

Play up your strengths
(hair, legs, smile, shoulders - take care of it and show it off! Then, get back to the rest of your life.)

Keep a journal
(make a point of writing down that negative talk. seeing it externally vs hearing it internally can make an impact)

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