7:58 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

I work hard, take care of EVERYONE that I know, shoot, people I don't know, and I always leave myself last. I have enough knots in my back to make a scarf, and I just feel on edge. Snappy. Uptight. It's not a money thing, but I feel guilty treating myself. Is that wrong? i guess I haven't learned how to love myself more yet.

How do I treat myself without feeling guilty?

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  1. Darling Nicky said...

    I noticed you did not indicate whether you let others "treat" you. Maybe the reason you feel guilty treating yourself to small luxuries or pamperings is because somewhere in your mind, you feel it is something that should come from others.

    Sometimes, when we don't get the same love and respect from others as we feel we give out, sub-consciously you may have been conditioned to believe that you aren't worthy of those things. Then the thought of let's say...treating yourself to a day at the spa and maybe a fancy dinner for one seems outrageous.

    Next time you catch yourself going out of your way for somebody else to make sure their needs are met, why don't you try vocalizing yours? I always remind myself that not everyone is a mind reader, so how can I be upset when my needs don't get met unless I've declared them.

    Maybe once you start to get some return on your investment (which in your case seems to be time and effort), maybe you'll be more comfortable providing those things to yourself.

    .....and on that note, I'm off to the spa!!!!