2:36 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

Most people know that Paula Abdul taught Janet Jackson how to dance, but it was Ms. Debbie Allen who schooled Ms. Paula on the art of choreography. She is the master of all forms and for 35 years Debbie Allen has been sharing her god given talent with the world.

Folks of a certain age recall the 1980's TV program Fame, where Debbie played the butt-busting dance teacher Lydia Grant. Years before that, she had stared in several plays on Broadway as an accomplished singer and actress. She was given a small role on Fame, and that grew to a lead. Soon she was producing, directing and handling all the choreography. A sponge of creativity, Debbie made cameo's at her sister Phylicia's day job, a little gig called The Cosby Show and before you could say Theo, she was a producer for A Different World.

She continues to wear many hats, yet her crown jewel is The Debbie Allen Dance Academy, a top rated institution. When Debbie's name is on something, you know you are getting nothing less then 120%.

An artist and icon with the confidence to let others stand in the spotlight,
Debbie Allen is a Girl Who Gets It.

Debbie Allen and the cast of "Fame" doing a tribute to Michael Jackson. 1983.

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