12:11 AM Posted by MS.NOVA

My friends are making their New Years Resolutions/Determinations and I'm feeling fat, flat and lost. Yeah, I'm young (19), but now that I have finished high school and have some time before college (I'm taking a year off) I have NO idea what to do. My day job is bagging lettuce in a factory. Fun.

My Aunt thinks travelling will fix everything and my older brother says to move out of the house. Both take money, I have none, and even if I did, what would I do afterwards?

I'm spinning my wheels here and really need some direction. I read your blog all the time so I thought I'd see what you and your readers say. I just need to have something to work towards and I don't know how to do that.

How can I get excited about my life again?

Have a similar situation? Comments? Let us know below.
These are REAL questions folks, if you have some insight, share share share!

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  1. liveNlovelyfe said...

    I have three words...GET SOME GOD!

    Here's one of my favorite passages from Rick Warren's book "The Purpose-Driven Life"

    You are not an accident. Your parents may have not planned you but GOD did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning our purpose, our significance,and our destiny.

    It is this same realization that I came to myself. I am a 26 year old female who is also moving and maneuvering through life trying to find my exact niche. What I learned is that we can find many things in life that provide us with temporary happiness and satisfaction but it through God and living out his purpose for us that we are truly fulfilled. I encourage you to pray and ask God, what it is that he wants for you, for your life, at this moment. Ask him to reveal his purpose for you.

    When the time is right for you to make a decision about where you should go next, you will hear God's words...your intuitive feelings will tell you what's next for you in your life. Keep praying, listen, act when you know the time is right....and everything will fall right into place. DON'T WORRY...JUST PRAY!!! I love you, support you and wish you the best in your life!!!

    Love, Precious

  2. MS.NOVA said...

    @Precious thanks for taking the time to write. this is great advice for someone who has a understanding of what God means to them. if you're there, then apply her rules!

    What I do know is that what when you're questioning yourself, your family and every choice you've ever made, its also normal to question God and your understanding of her/him.

    Tapping into your spirit - Y-E-S. highly recommended. personally, when i came out of a depression, it was while walking through the park and seeing a gorgeous sunset that i realized, it had been awhile since i tapped into my spiritual side. its one part of the puzzle, but its a pretty picture when you can hold that missing piece.

    End of the day, you have to want a better life and most important, feel like you deserve it.

    lets hear what others have to say!