11:49 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

I'm 17 and have been seeing my boyfriend for 2 months. A week ago an old flame, tried to heat things up and I did a bad thing! We were together all a day on a project and he was flirting, I was flirting and we made out. A lot. Suddenly all these emotions, that I thought were dead for this guy, came rushing forward.

Then, I saw my boyfriend and remembered how much I care for him and cut the old flame off right then. They don't know one another and I can't imagine him telling people as he has a girl too (and she's pregnant). If he leaves me, I can just get another man, but I DO want to work it out.

I cheated but I want to stay with my man and put this behind me. Is that possible?
Will he cheat on me now?

Have a similar story? Comments? Let us know and Darling Nicky will give it to you straight!

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  1. Darling Nicky said...

    I have to say...when I finished reading your post, I chuckled a little. Not because I thought what you asked was funny, but because I am in my 30's, and just last night on my own life commentary website, I wrote an article primarily based on the truths about cheating, and a sad truth is - cheating is a fact of life that we will encounter many times in our lives both as the cheater and the cheated on.

    That said, at 17 and dating someone for 2 months - you are under no obligation to have feelings for only 1 person. What transpired between you and your prior flame may have been a result of unresolved feelings about your break-up. I'm not encouraging you to be unfaithful to your new boyfriend, BUT you have plenty time to be loyal "till death do you part" when you are older and get married. Imagine, you'll have to be with the same guy for like 40 years! So now, while you are young and not tied down to anybody, I would hardly call what you did a serious indiscretion.

    If you feel like you cannot live with yourself unless you confess to your boyfriend, don't be afraid to tell him what happened. Should you guys last as a couple beyond a year, he will be grateful in your strength in character about being honest with him early on, and may actually trust you more in the long run.

    Ever heard of the expression, "what they don't know won't hurt them"? If you are absolutely sure that it was a one-time slip-up, AND your old flame has a new life to tend to with an upcoming baby, then why rock the boat worrying?

    My advice is: Don't worry too much about it, but don't let it become a habit. Next time you feel yourself being lured in by someone
    other than your boyfriend, remove yourself from the situation or ask yourself if you're really ready to be in an exclusive relationship.'s the link to the article I wrote. This is the advice I'll give you in 20 or so years.

    Life Truths - Part One by Darling Nicky