5:15 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

*via email*
I'm 34, and in a serious relationship with a wonderful man whom I love and who adores me. We've been living together for just over a year and all is well, but I can admit that the bedroom activity has been dull.

Five months ago, I ran into an old flame while at the gym, and I was instantly flush with the sexual, sensual, aggressive, sexysexy goddess energy that I hadn't felt in a long time. He is still super cute, and also involved, so I didn't think it was a big deal to exchange phone numbers. Since then, we have been flirting by email and "sexting". I've seriously considered arranging a 'fling' with my new friend - nothing emotional, just sex. Is that possible?
I would die if my man did this to me and if he found out, he'd leave me without question.

If i'm not married, can I get away with it?
Does sexting count as cheating?

Have a similar story? Comments? Let us know below.
Check back, Darling Nicky will respond and give it to you straight!

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  1. Darling Nicky said...

    "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

    If you really, really loved your man, you would be working towards spicing up your love life with him, rather than opening up Pandora's Box with someone else. Ever heard of karma? If you indulge in this "fling" first, without addressing the root problem of your lack-lustre love life with your main squeeze, you are inviting karma to return the gesture in whatever way the universe sees fit.

    You've only been living together a year and a half, and already the bedroom scene is boring? That doesn't sound right. Either there are problems in your relationship that aren't being addressed, or your man is being fulfilled elsewhere in HIS own way, because let's be real...guys need sexual release FREQUENTLY.

    To answer your question: SEXTING is cheating. Sharing intimacies whether electronic or in the flesh with someone other than your partner is cheating.

    I am by no means the moral police, so as long as you understand the consequences, you need to choose wisely.