12:10 AM Posted by MS.NOVA

I haven't had sex in 7 years. A traumatic childhood experience came back to haunt me at age 18 and my knees have been locked together since. Therapy and faith have got me to the point where I'm ready to, ahem, open up, but it's been sooo long! 

Do I ease back into the dating game? Or should I get the rust out and stick to casual sex until I'm ready for something serious? 

**question coming to us from Twitter**

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  1. MS.NOVA said...

    wow. 7 years? lets help you out before you implode!

    the details of your trauma are personal, so you need to be honest with where you are in the recovery phase. Good for you for seeking the help as well, so many people keep it locked inside.

    Getting in touch, literally, with yourself would be a healthy next step. Feel good about who you are at this age in your life, your inside was neglected, how about the outside? Physical exercise, a great new hair cut or some R&R can refresh your spirits. Learn your sexual desires again - how you do that, is all on you!

    The point is to emit sensuality and confidence versus desperation and a need to fill. Once you get that down, girl, wrap it up and have fun!

    Ms. Nova