1:28 AM Posted by MS.NOVA

Filming her first commercial at 11 months old, Drew Barrymore has literally lived in the spotlight her entire life. While other little girls were playing tag and learning how to braid, Drew was on set with Spielberg.

Outnumbered in a very adult industry, Drew was up in the club at Studio 54 before she was in a training bra. The coke, weed and booze started at age 9, rehab by 13 and a suicide attempt a year later. It sounds as if Drew got the rebellion out of her system early because her story took a fantastic turn. 

Today she is a successful film director, actress, producer, UN Ambassador and business woman. Drew lived to tell about the dark days and her authenticity oozes, affirming the idea that winter always turns into spring. 

"I used to look in the mirror and feel shame, I look in the mirror now and I absolutely love myself." 

Drew Barrymore is a Girl Who Gets It. 

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