4:51 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

"I wish someone would just tell me what to do?" Ever scream that in the night? *hand raises* It's hard out here and we could all use some direction from time to time. Socrates had Plato to transcribe his teachings. Martin Luther King modeled his movement of non-violence after Ghandi. The guidance from Oprah is molded by Maya Angelou. I'm talking about having a mentor.

For me, I liken it to being on a hike. Sure, I'm leading the way and folowing my instincts along this path but I have security knowing I'm beside someone who has been here before. If we are so fortunate to pursue our passions, be it sports, the arts or business, the perspective and encouragement from a mentor can make all the difference.

This isn't a comparrasion project ie: do what they did and how they did it in order to be where they are. *trucker radio voice* "That's a negative good buddy." DO YOU. Whatever the dream, find someone who has done it. If they are reachable, drop the fear, and approach them with a sense of appreciation and sincerity. You can't get a YES if you don't ask, right? Be clear about your own goals, what your'e doing to get there and have some questions at the ready.

My writing mentor is Pat Montandon, a gorgeous 80-something author who has lived an extrordinary life. When I approached her, dreams in hand about writing a book, she was able to give me encouragement based on real experience. A pep talk and kick in the ass is all I needed. Couple that with her concrete, tangible advice and now I am doing it!

Her kindness prompted me to pay it forward and I'm now a mentor myself. Remember being 19 and a mess? Yeah, so do I. I forgot all the lessons I'd learned in that scary time until someone started to ask how to survive similar problems. Speaking to these girls reminds me that life is long and where I am right now won't last forever. It's true that you can help yourself by helping other and when you give, you get.

"when you light a lantern for another, you light your own way as well."

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