GIRLS WHO GET IT - ELEISE BRYAN (Mother's Day Special)
Finding your future husband is challenge #1. Being embraced by his mother is the 2nd. Lucky for me, Eleise and I hit it off from the start and wooooi, I'm glad I'm in the good books! Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised the proper Colonial West Indian way, the bar was set high. Immigrating to Canada in the 60's, she went on to raise 3 fantastic boys on her own along with 14 foster children. Like all single mom's, she made miracles happen every Christmas and worked to the bone for her kids to have the best opportunities possible.
Now a social worker for the government, Eleise is the one friends and family go to with all the heavy duty problems. She gets it because for as much as she gives to you, she expects for you to do for yourself. If you aren't, you'll know about it.
With strong, unwavering values, compassionate, diligent and oozing with confidence, Eleise is a Girl Who Gets It.
May 7, 2010 at 4:16 AM
Cute pic!! Wow, 14 foster children??? Good for her.