6:03 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

Long story short, my life was hella hard right from the start - parents are screwed up, crazy childhood, abusive relationships, alll that. I've learned my lessons, got therapy and I'm finally making something of myself. Recently I lost 27 pounds and I have to say I look great, took summer school classes, got my degree and started a job with great pay 4 months ago.

Things are finally good except for the haters! My sister, my old co-workers, people who I grew up with and thought were my friends are now dishing out the 'oh you think you better then me' kind of attitude.

I'm tired of making myself small for others. How do I handle the HATERS?

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  1. Darling Nicky said...

    ...and overcoming adversity and life challenges is a bad thing because......Sorry, you lost me.

    What I mean is, of course the people around you are going to regard you differently with an "Oh, you think you're better than me" attitude, because you are indeed better than where you were 6 months ago, right? And you feel better about yourself, and you feel proud about your job and you feel HAPPY about your life! So whether or not you are running around bragging to these people (which I am sure you are not), the joy they see in your eyes is something foreign to them. Foreign coming from you, and foreign because they aren't feeling it themselves.

    Girlfriend, let me tell you something. These "haters" around you are equipped with the same tools you had to make the changes in your life that they now see. The fact that they are not following your example and initiating changes in their lives is their choosing. NO ONE should begrudge you your accomplishments. Do you think Olympic marathon runners slow down towards the end because they are worried that their friends might begrudge them if they win?

    If your inner circle can't be happy for you because you made some positive changes in your life, then they were NEVER your friends to begin with.