GIRLS WHO GET IT- YVONNE KAI (online edition)

If 'like attracts like' then I must be a pretty cool chick! All around us are awesome young women, living the life and loving the dream and grinding to make it all happen. I believe that when you see one, you should shine a light on her! As promised, in these interview sessions, you're going to meet ladies that you know, but should know better, and ladies that you need to know, period. Yvonne Kai is one of them.
Tri-coastal between Toronto, Los Angeles and New York, Yvonne lives fashion, pop culture, marketing, make-up, Dior and doggies. ha! Throwing events, styling photo shoots and breaking hearts, this woman is truly a jill-of-all trades and nuttin was handed to her. My girl weeeerks! She runs the popular lifestyle site HEY DO YOU and she is a good girl to know.
Tenacious and determined and looking great while getting it done,
Yvonne Kai is a Girl Who Gets It.
1. Of the Three Steps to Love Yourself More - Acceptance, Accountability and Action - which one have you struggled with the most? How did you overcome that?
Acceptance is the one that is the hardest for me. I grew up thinking everyone is like me and everyone is the same. What I know, what I think and want is what others want to. The more people I met the more I realized that I have a gift and I have a responsibility to do something with my vision and way of seeing things for more that what they are and for dreams to manifest into tangible experience and things. I have the hardest time accepting myself and my responsibilities to be and do something great. I am definitely okay with accountability and I have too many people around me remind me to! When i have an idea i tell as many people as I can so that they will ask me about it and I can't chicken out! Action is when push comes to shove and I love working under pressure! The satisfaction is overwhelming.
2. Describe a challenging time in your life and explain why you are better for it?
I got really sick in 2005 and had to be hospitalized. I went to numerous doctors and no one could tell me why I was sick for over 2 weeks. Then I had to go to ER on Christmas Eve and had to be on a morphine drip for 9 hours before someone could see me. It was a scary 4 days for me and I had to have surgery and a home care nurse for a month afterwards. I had an infection in my lower back that spread into anorectal abscess and I was totally immobile. I had never been sick before and there is no history of Crohn's disease or anything in my family it was really random and out of the blue. I really took that time to cherish my morality and not to take my health for granted. Because of this experience, I have a real and absolutely do or die attitude towards life now. I will not be a bird that dies with my song still inside of me.
3. What attributes did you have to bring forth in order to achieve your goals? How did you stay on track?
Surround yourself with people who are wiser than you, can see your potential and help you grow. There is a Chinese fable about a man who saw a white horse in the field and knew that it was the 10,000 mile horse (basically an animal that had the potential to go far and fast). He made a big fuss about how special this horse was and took it as his own when others couldn't recognize that it was special. Real recognizes real, likes attract likes.. That is the law of the universe, so just surround yourself with those who see what you see. Also I am a huge fan of the anomaly. My dog Jacob is one great ambassador for his breed. I am a very different than a typical Chinese girl but successful in my own rite. There is always room in this world to create new definitions and surprise people.
4. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given and when in your life did it help the most?
One day at at time. This was given to me by a man I recently met - He taught me a lot in a short amount of time and it has really helped me not rush myself and live life in fast forward. ALL THE TIME. I'm trying. He said to me that he has seen so many people come up in the game and he said I'm gonna be okay. So I'm banking on that. The funny thing is, I never thought about what others thought about me until very recently. And I am realizing that I see myself in a very common and regular way yet others expect something exceptional from me.
5. Who are the “Girls Who Get It” in your life (famous, or not)? Why them?
Colette has been my go-to for introspective relationship advice. Her stories are timeless and so funny.
Mata Hari is a bad bitch and I'll always want to be an international spy.
I really respect Elizabeth Arden for leaving Toronto in 1909 and going to NYC to create the biggest cosmetic brand ever and being the wealthiest woman by following her dreams.
Elizabeth Grant is another woman in beauty who has an amazing story. I hope to be one too.
Girls like Bella, Shay, Shannae, me, you... we all have something monumental that happened in our lives that gave us a voice to tell our story. The more you celebrate and fulfill others, the more you will be celebrated and fulfilled. To me, those are girls who get it.
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