Don't you love finding gems of information in the most unusual places?
My good friend Pat found these priceless 17 RULES FOR SUCCESS - 2010 Edition - tucked away.
Some you might have heard before, and others are quick abbreviations to keep in the front of your mind.
For example - RULE #6
"The Six P's" Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
ha! a common sense philosophy, but when you say it like that...
Rule #1 - AMC: Attitude / Motivation /Commitment
Rule #2 - Attitude determines Altitude / PMA: Positive Mental Attitude
Rule #3- One must learn to go slow, to go fast. technique then speed/ accuracy before
momentum / slow down when you are in a hurry
Rule #4- An obstacle is what you see when you take your eyes off the target
Rule #5- Reasons & Results... only be interested in results
Rule #6- there are two types of people in the world. Those that understand interest and those
that pay interest
Rule #7- Never give up, never surrender
Rule #8- Six P's: Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Rule #9- CNEI: Constant Never Ending Improvement
Rule #10 - Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans (John Lennon)
Rule #11- Surround yourself with excellence
Rule #12- If you know what you do NOT know, you know everything there IS to know (Lao Tzu)
Rule #13- Adapt, Improvise, Overcome / do what others are not willing to do
Rule #14- Reality is 90% perception and 10% fact
Rule #15- NO is just the beginning. NO means maybe and maybe means yes. (except when it comes to women!)
Rule #16- To get milk from a cow, you don't send her a letter
Rule #17- This too shall pass; you lose tomorrow reaching back for yesterday
2011 will bring new rules and a new reality.
What have been your rules for success?
January 16, 2011 at 9:17 PM
A great one that I heard on CBC radio is "Worrying is like praying for the things you don't want".