my first year in college i was a hot mess. one would call me, ahem, slutty. a total drunk, like thursday to sunday, and i honestly lost count with the number of guys (sometimes girls) that i've been with and MOST i wouldn't know if they passed me in the street. i'm not proud of it, but it is what it is. i had crazy strict parents growing up and the minute i was let loose, i was LOOSE!
after a close call with a pregnancy, it was the wake-up call i needed to get my shit together. i have chilled out on the clubs and because of my old ways, i'm embarrassed to go there. i know people talk about me, judge me and guys think i'm good for one thing, but i'm ready to walk away from all that. i got it out of my system, it's who i WAS not who i AM.
how can gain some respect from my peers and save my reputaion?
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January 27, 2011 at 5:49 PM
Well, the good news is you lived to see your 2nd year in college. Reckless behaviour like that could have landed you a lot worse than pregnant. The bad news is, it does take a little while (and a lot of effort) to change people's perception of you.
Public opinion is usually lags behind actual change, so even though you may have been conducting yourself in a more respectable manner for some time now, it could take several months for your reputation to adjust accordingly.
The funny thing about public scrutiny is that it is very fickle. So as soon as some other wayward female gives the town something to talk about, who you were and how you behaved in 1st year will be relatively uninteresting to anyone.
You should be thankful that you came to your own self-awareness, live a lifestyle that allows you to look proudly in the mirror everyday and say, "I love me", and then pay the lesson forward. Maybe there is an opportunity to host a support group or write a blog that targets young girls who fall into that trap of "First Year Tramp".
Anyway, congratulations on the REST of your beautiful life!