Life hasn't been easy for me and this year I hit bottom. With few options left, my last resort is to move out of state (1200 miles away) to live with family. Part of me is dissapointed that I couldn't make something of myself in my hometown, nervous to leave what I know and pissed that I have no other choices. Friends say that I'm leaving them, I'll change, and they keep asking when I'll be back. Its not the support I was expecting. Anyway Nova, I'm scared as shit and I need to hear the brightside of this.
How can I make the most of my 'clean slate' and does this even count as one?
Have a similar situation? Comments? Let us know below!
As always these are REAL questions from readers so help out and give your two cents.
November 30, 2010 at 12:18 PM
This absolutely counts as one! Life is full of periods of time in which we develop character and in each step gain a better picture of who we are in the world and what we mean to the universe. Think of this as a season that's run it's course and a new season awaits you. We often don't understand the why's and why not's of life but what we can guarantee is that there is a reason for each season. Think about the time you spent in your hometown, all the goals you've reach (or didn't) and how this new move will enable you to experience life in new ways you've never imagined. We can't remain in one place forever and if so, that would mean we're missing out on what is happening elsewhere!!! How fun and exciting it is to be a totally new you at this stage of life (as opposed to let's say 5 years ago). You now have new qualities, skills, and experience to fully use all that your family provides and become an even better you. Also in this economy, how privileged you are to have a family that would give you a place to stay until your back on your feet. That's just lovely and very necessary during this period as you discover more aspects of yourself to make anything you imagine in this life possible. What is your dream job? Let's start there. If in this case you happen to be leaving your dream job, just imagine what the universe again has instore for you during this period of your life. This isn't a quitting situation but a winning situation. You have successfully completed your time where ever you are and the universe needs you elsewhere. To everything there is a time and a season and quite frankly your season of change is now! Go for it girl, look ahead with joy and know that there is a reason for every season. You'll discover the reason once you head on home.