I can't seem to shake this exhausted "2:30" feeling. Mentally, I'm good - a little overwhelmed - but its nothing bad or stressful. Physically, I want to take three naps a day and sleep for 12 hours. Any chance I get to sleep, I take and what ends up happening is that I miss out on all the fun stuff. A free concert, a date with a cute guy at work, turning in my presentations on time, new episodes of GLEE, all the things I WANT to do, I have no energy for. For four months I've felt like this and I'm on empty.
I'm so run down, how can I get my life back?
Have a similar experience? Comments? Let us know below!
As always, these are REAL questions from readers, so help them out!
November 3, 2010 at 11:11 PM
The first step is to define what you really want, and then focus on "it." We all have a choice, either we can focus on what's happening, or we can focus on what we want to have happen.
This isn't a magical solution, there IS action to take. Nonetheless, you'll be stuck indefinitely until you shift your focus from your busy sleepless life to that of the life you say you want back. Do you really want it back? How about envisioning, and going after, something even better (regardless of how good it might've been)?
This wasn't meant to be the answer to all of what ails you, but hopefully it can serve as a starting point :-)
Good luck!
November 4, 2010 at 3:55 PM
@Do Over Guy
great advice - choosing for things to be different and taking the action towards that goal is how sh!t gets done son! ha!
if its sleep, excercise, a lighter schedule, or being re-introduced to the word 'no', you have to make that choice, ditch the guilt, and love yourself more.
giving to others and going without is martyrdom and i think that went out of style a few centuries ago.
: )
November 9, 2010 at 10:59 PM
Don't forget to drink water! There are tons of possible reasons for such tiredness, and dehydration is one of them. Exercise can help too.
Medical side-effects, depression, chronic pain, bad diet/missing nutrients in your diet, (again) dehydration, sleep apnea or other sleep interruptions preventing full sleep-cycle, thyroid issues, etc. etc. can all cause such fatigue.
I have struggled with this for years, and a combination of physical therapy for an injury that causes chronic back pain, and exercise, has helped.
Whether the cause is physical or emotional, seeking professional help can aid in uncovering the root cause.
Good luck!
November 13, 2010 at 1:48 PM
brilliant advice!
my motto for the past few years has been "WIN in the MORNING." when you eat well, pray & give thanks, and break a sweat, you're setting yourself up for a great day. even if its not so great, you're in a better position to effectively respond to whatever is happening.
water, rest and all that good stuff help. i picked up a snazzy metal water bottle and i love having it around. i drink WAY more with it then shelling out $1.50 everytime i want one. (and plastic bottles are strangling our planet - just an FYI)
its sounds like all systems might be outta whack - spirit, headspace, health - work on them together and you'll be outta that rut.
November 30, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Your mental state is often a reflection of your biological and physical state which can be greatly influence by what we eat. I would suggest eating energy efficient bars or drinks, take vitamins daily, get your daily fruit intake or nuts and berries are also delicious and light snacks. A little mind cleansing as suggested already goes a long way. Perhaps when you get up in the morning do a little stretching to loosen up, exercise alone boosts your energy, but teasing your body with a few stretches can do the trip if you don't have the time for full half hour walks or what not. Be spontaneous one day and do something you always wanted to do, save up for a nice vacation and experiencing a new environment can also stimulate your senses in new ways providing more energy. Sometimes we're so used to everyday routines that even our bodies refuses to do anything else but put that stubborn body in its place by going for a walk, getting some more sunlight then it's used too, or simply taking sometime to examine your surroundings more deeply. As I saw on a tweet you noticed the ocean, maybe look further and notice the beauty of nature and how exciting it is to know you are apart of the masterpiece created by the universe. It's simple and fun.