6:24 AM Posted by MS.NOVA

*via email*

I am a functioning pot head and I'm not proud of it (anymore). I've been smoking weed since the 11th grade, 15 years now. Because I was able to keep up my grades, I thought that I could handle it with no real consequences. I literally wake up and smoke. I keep a little pipe and stash in my purse and light up like 10 times a day. ugh. Saying it out loud grosses me out.

Its become a money pit for me and now that I'm a single mom, I seriously can't afford it. I don't think my daughter has ever seen me NOT high and that depresses me.

Am I a hopeless weed addict? Or is this something I can kick on my own?

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  1. Darling Nicky said...

    First of all, you must know that you are one of millions who engage in weed smoking on a daily basis. So in that regard, you are not an anomaly. Our societies relationship with weed is such a unique one. Even drugs' staunchest opponents acknowledge that marijuana does not deserve to be lumped into the same category as heroine or cocaine, BUT more punishable than cigarettes. Interestingly, a cigarette smoker may go through more than a pack a day (20 to 25 cigarettes), but a weed smoker may only have 1 to 2 joints a day.

    While the ill effects of smoking (any substance)in general has been communicated to the public at length, the indisputable casualty of weed smoking is your wallet. Think of all the money that could be channeled into your child's future if the taps would just turn off on the weed faucet.

    I am neither for, nor against the act of smoking weed. Neither alcohol consumption, nor eating french fries. What I am concerned about is the indulgences that we as adults submit to, at the expense of our childrens' futures. Old habits do die hard, and I know for certain that in times when "I don't love me more", I sure do love my kids.

    Here's a link to a site that may help if you are thinking about quitting: http://www.marijuana-addict.com/

    Good Luck, (and just order a pizza on 4/20 instead!)

  2. MS.NOVA said...

    @darling nicky ha! @ the pizza comment!

    excellent response and you hit it dead on. its the temporary relief that we seek at the expense of those we love. good news is, you accept the problem (admitted pothead), you're holding yourself accountable to the situation you're in (low funds due to habit) and you're willing to take the action in order to change (admitting the problem, seeking counsel from others).

    don't beat yourself up. just get clear and get going. take Nicki's sage advice and explore that website. you have managed to maintain all this time while high, i hope you're ready to thrive while sober. if nothing else, your daughter will thank you.
