4:46 PM Posted by MS.NOVA

Can you hear that? Its the internal screams of women who see signs of spring and know that bathing suit season is upon us. Reader, I will never tell you do go on a diet, but I will encourage you to detox and flush out the useless traces of egg nog, Valentines chocolate and St. Patty's brew thats added a little stuffin' to your muffin. Bye bye bloat, retained water, and (if you double up with moderate exercise) a couple pounds. A detox is about feeling better, and taking control of what you take IN to your body. As we shift seasons and get inspired by the blooming colors of nature and new wardrobes, I'll share my tips for a food detox.

The toughest part is flushing out "yummy foods" and all the junk that comes with it. Be it a lifestyle change, or a deep cleanse one week a month, I promise you will notice a difference after a few of these changes. I'm not going to get into 'stool' details (leave it to Dr. Oz for that) but you will see a difference in the ol' porcelain throne as well.

warning: when i first started to cleanse, i would have little breakouts - a sign that the toxins are releasing, so detoxing the week before a big event. not a good idea.
  • limit your caffeine/stimulant intake (ween yourself off slowly. otherwise you could be a hazard to society)
  • nix processed foods (if the first three ingredients are words you can't pronounce, dont ingest!)
  • nix processed sugars (all of the glucose, fructose, detxtrose - it means sugar. so does corn syrup)
  • bye-bye fast food (a meal of true quality costs more then $2.)
  • limit salt (especially around your monthly. though you might crave it *raises hands* you'll retain water.)
  • cut out red meat (all meat is best, otherwise eat lean chicken, turkey and fish. one meatless day a week)
  • see-ya fried foods
  • curb the late night eating (a.k.a breakfast after the club. you're dehydrated. try tea, fresh juice or soup)
  • soda/sugary juices/creamy drinks (youre drinking your calories! might as well have a cheeseburger.)
  • stop skipping meals (starving bodies store everything as fat. stash fruit in your purse, granola bars in the car)
Its all common sense right? And don't piss and moan to me young ones about cutting out KFC. You either want to feel better, or you don't. It's your body. But before you mow down on that drumstick, think 'is this what i want to be doing?". If not, keep reading. That was a long list of DON'Ts, now here are the DO's.
  • drink waterwaterwater (get a cute aluminum bottle and keep fillin' er up!)
  • look at the colors on your plate (the brighter the color, the more vitamins and antioxidants!)
  • shop the perimeter of the grocery store (seafood, deli, bakery, produce, dairy)
  • explore the farmer markets (get to know the people who grow your food and try new ones!)
  • take your vitamins (i take a multi, B12, fish oil, and folic acid - important if you want to have kids.)
  • steam, sauna, soak (condition your hair and sit in the steam room, loosen those tight muscles in the sauna)
Loving yourself is about taking CARE of yourself. A detox requires some discipline but the biggest factor is a feeling of deserving. You my dear deserve to feel your best. Don't you dare feel guilty about making time to relax, not after the hard work you put into looking after others. No one is going to check if you're taking your vitamins or say, "hey, you look beat. time to go to the spa." Its up to you to be in tune with your physical, emotional and mental health and well being.

The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life.
Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop.
~Quentin Regestein

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