"i love being a girl! i am an EMOTIONAL creature!"
Eve Ensler.
You know her from the Vagina Monolgues.
She made you uncomfortable, then comfortable talking about "down there".
In this brilliant TED talk (a series you should get familiar with if you haven't)
Eve shares her thoughts on embracing your inner girl, for men and women -
who that girl is, her qualities, why society urges us to push that down and
what kind of world we'd be living in if we raised her up.
April 1, 2010 at 11:54 PM
"Being a girl is so powerful that we had to train everyone not to be a girl" Wow! that statement is incredible, and this lecture gave me so much peace with different thoughts of my own. I literally just had an "Aha" moment, amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this, the message is so powerful and important for both males and females to take attention to.
April 2, 2010 at 6:43 PM
@RoseSoul isn't that piece amazing? love Eve Ensler, and love the TED talk series. I once read that a women are so emotional and sensitive because they are wired to communicate with a baby who has no words! facial expressions, tones, body language - its everything! Roll your eyes at your mother and tell me if i'm wrong!
brilliant and well said! glad you watched and i'm so glad you're still reading (and singing!)