Five years ago a woman with "SuperHead" put the soap opera of her life on the table, and it shocked everyone! Not because we were floored that married entertainers were sexing groupies, but a chick had the nerve to NAME NAMES! SuperHead 3.0 is freak-of-the-week Kat Stacks. Doing her best to earn her four minutes of fame, Ms. Stacks is airing it OUT! "no money this" " little dick that" and last night I heard a ringtone, A RINGTONE of her voice claiming "Lil Wayne paid me twelv hunned muthafaackin dallas ho!".
In today's episode, Kat's mugshot is up, personal info including her home address and allegedly Child Services knocked on her door. Yes, this Kat is someone's mommy. It's fun to watch from the sidelines, but these are real people she's talking about, with families, careers and lots to lose. The symptoms of Superhead and Stacks are the same. Girl seeks famous man, hoping to share in HIS the spotlight. Pretty Woman, Cinderella - the fairy-tale, I get it. But what happens when the guy is gone? Alone again with the same baggage you showed up with, only this time, there's a spotlight on it. Not so fun now.
Regardless of why these ladies chose to ride the groupie train (SuperHead stated she used men for money to provide for her son) is no matter at this point. They are on this ride. Kat is dealing with "almost famous" guys, bitching about each incident so I have to ask, "what are you getting out of it?" A relationship is out of the question, money is minimal at best and you aren't even getting an orgasm! When we set ourselves up to fail, sell ourselves short and then do it (or him) again and again and again - its called self sabotage and it comes from feeling undeserving. hmmmm.
Not to get heavy or preachy, honestly, date who you wanna date, but know this; HIS stuff is HIS stuff. It won't make him funnier, better looking, a better kisser or communicator. And in the end its just STUFF! Mamma, get YOURS leave the petty games behind, appreciate what you have and watch who you're hanging out with. Birds of a feather flock together. Oh, and PLEASE use condoms. Please.
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