Today’s culture of marriage can be defined as confusing at best. Last week, a man got married to a pillow, but Ellen and Portia can’t walk down the aisle.
Weddings are a gajillion dollar industry where the average costs $30,000. Too pricey? Go on TV and for 12 suspenseful weeks, prove your love to a handsome stranger and at the last rose ceremony, he might propose! Even if you go the regular route, half of all couples get divorced, which can be a really stressful time. Unless you are semi famous because for you, life gets better!
Breakup benefits can be seen on TV’s most popular shows: Let’s Talk About Pep, Jon & Kate, and now Basketball Wives with Shaq’s ex at the Queen D (as in divorcee). Divorce continues to be a part of our culture and though I chose to be married, I’m not suggesting its right or wrong. I saw my parent’s divorce, friends parents and now my friends are signing “them papers”. When he put the ring on me, I feared it might burn. Kidding.
I honestly feel this divorce normalcy results in the enormous pressure society puts people under, despite the statistics. In addition to family stress, cultural traditions and expectations, the media crams the idea of a dream wedding down our throat as the pinnacle in life, with little focus on the actual marriage. Mamma didn’t raise no fool, she told me that a wedding is one day. One day. If feeling like a princess and having the all the attention is the goal, girl, that’s NO reason to get married. When the last gift is opened and the twinkle lights are turned off, it’s you and your partner and little distractions.
So before you take the plunge, life a full life. There are many accomplishments you can celebrate, and be the star for the day; graduation, a promotion at work, starting a new business, buying a new home, athletic achievements, a milestone birthday or simply because it’s the weekend! My great-grandparents were married 71 years and they said that the secret was to keep running. You want to be running towards tour goals, jumping over life’s hurdles, really pushing it and look over to see that incredible person (or pillow) beside you.
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