Earthquakes are a part of California life! I'll take 5 seconds of shaking over 5 months of winter!
Mother Earth makes a minor adjustment and WHUUUM-WHUUUMP!
Left to right, my 1920's Spanish style home wobbled like someone just tickled it.
As the cat snores peacefully, I'm thrust out of my classic "swimming with whales" dream and into the surreal realization that the earth moved beneath me. This earthquake was very short, 1 second tops. Surprisingly, the shaking isn't so scary because when your brain computes what the hell just happened, it's over.
Your personal aftershock - mile a minute planning of escape routes, deciding what belongings are important enough to grab, the visualizing of dusty, waving limbs under buildings and the torturous anxiety of waiting for more movement - that defines scary. Fixated on fear, I lay there thinking "what if this was the big one?" or "what if this was IT?". As I drifted back to sleep, the heavy feeling remained that this was a wake up call in more ways then one. No one was hurt, most slept through the quake but mother nature rattled more then the earth today. Some folks wait for a heart attack or health issues to gain some perspective on their role in this world. I suppose needed heaven and earth to move. oh dramatic pisces.
I decided that now is the time to go get it, to be it, to live it and to tackle to paralyzing fear of it. I can't wait for earthquakes to slap me in to shape y'all, there is a life to go live! I decided that sharing my talent would be the best display of gratitude I could offer as it encourages others to do the same. I knew all of this before, but its funny what sticks after some shaking.
March 17, 2010 at 6:56 AM
girl! so true! u always have to live life to the fullest!! don't forget to tell the loved ones in your life that you love them!!!
March 17, 2010 at 4:33 PM
I loved reading this. I was awake during the quake and I did exactly what you did, from trying to plan the escape to not being able to sleep comfortably again as I was wondering if there will be something else to come! Anyway, I am so glad it moved you! Literally! Because I was moved by the quake and your article! I am so glad you share yourself with the world and especially me! You are a very beautiful, strong and inspiring woman. I am happy that we have crossed paths in this lifetime and I look forward to more great memories down the road!
March 18, 2010 at 2:44 PM
@ momo mother nature has a wonderful way of giving us just what we need when we need it. lets take care of her!
@"eight" girl you already know...
thanks for taking the time to read and respond. there is much more in the future for both of us and i look forward to sharing YOUR story cause it is a GOOD one!
: )