The BUT I LOVE ME MORE interview series continues with Ms. Laila Ali - the woman who puts the sssssss in STRONG! Chances are you have a picture of her father in your home (like I do) but this phenomenal woman is more then just her daddy's girl. Before Laila chose to step into the spotlight as a professional boxer, she had fight in another way. With two high profile parents, Laila shared that she often felt sheltered and lonely growing up. While people were trying to get out of the hood, she was trying to get in. A 3 month stint in jail was the wake-up call she needed to turn her life around. She graduated school, opened her own business and when she was ready, she pursued boxing - but on her terms and talent and not on her famous last name.
Laila is an author, motivational speaker and advocate of health and wellness in young people. Frank and forthright, she is a refreshing example of what you see is what you get. Laila Ali is a Girl Who Gets It and she was kind enough to share how she got there.

Of the Three Steps to Love Yourself More - Acceptance, Accountability and Action - which have you struggled with the most? How did you overcome that?
I have never struggled with loving myself so this isn't a question I can answer.
Describe a challenging time in your life and explain why you are better for it?
When I decided to retire from boxing I had a hard time imagining myself doing anything else. I had great passion for boxing and was afraid that I would never have same level of interest and passion towards anything else. Whenever I thought about what my next path in life would be, I felt lost. I was starting all over again!
After months of deep thought, I discovered that instead of being negative about the situation, I needed to get excited and appreciate all of the possibilities. Since then, I have learned that I have many other talents that I can focus on getting better at. Besides, I always knew I wasn't going to box forever. It's time to start the next phase of my life and discover more about who I am!
What attributes did you have to bring forth in order to achieve your goals? How did you stay on track?
I had to be positive and patient. I tend to want everything instantly. I always need to remind myself how much time, discipline and focus went in to learning to fight and becoming a champion. It didn't happen over night and nothing else will either.

What is the best advice you’ve even been given and when in your life did it help the most?
My father always told me to never step on others to get ahead. I never have and never will.
Who are the “Girls Who Get It” in your life (famous, or not)? Why them?
Oprah, Michelle Obama because they are intelligent woman who represent sisters well and are using their celebrity to make positive changes in our world. Kathy Ireland because she is a woman who puts God and her family first. She is also a savvy business woman who built her own empire because she believed in herself and her brand.
November 29, 2010 at 9:01 PM
She's as great as her Dad!
December 2, 2010 at 3:38 AM
Always loved her personality. Just a lady as she's today. lovin' it. Good livin.